Thankfully, I never had any clients like those whose obnoxious conversations with creators are inventoried on the website Clients From Hell, but I have commiserated with many who have. I did graphic design commercially as well as writing, and the design clients were always more challenging to converse with than my writing clients.
As a technical writer, this happened to me many times: An employer would contact me and work out a contract and then he'd walk me down the hall to meet "the people I'd be working with." They would warmly welcome me then the boss would leave and the "people I'd be working with" would say, "What the hell ... we're not ready for you!"
Here is a sample of what you'll find on Clients from Hell:
“I don’t like the type.”
ME: “What don’t you like.”
“I don’t like how it goes all to one side.”
“You mean arranged left.”
“Yes, yes, arranged left.”
“How do you want it?”
“To be the same on both sides.”
CLIENT: “I don’t have to justify anything for you. I
own the fucking company.”